Fire Solutions
Cavity Fire Barriers & Cavity Closers
Our range of fire solutions from Arc are designed to prevent the spread of fire, and specialise in cavity fire barriers and cavity closers.

Cavity Stop Socks & TCBs
Cavity Stop Socks and TCBs have been designed to restrict the spread of smoke and flames within external masonry and timber frame walls, and to further minimise the effect of flanking noise pollution at wall junctions. They are produced from low resin, non-combustible rockfibre mineral wool
and are sleeved in 50 micron polythene for on-site weather protection.
Party Wall DPC
Party Wall DPC enables the closing of an external cavity at either party wall or party floor junctions where building regulations require the use of a mineral wool closer for acoustic insulation purposes.
Rockfibre Insulated DPC
The Rockfibre Insulated DPC has been developed to close off cavities around window and door openings where a fire rating is required. The closer should be fitted in conjunction with a return block, and features an integrated DPC to prevent moisture penetration. As well as excellent fire properties, it will also help to prevent cold bridging around openings.
T-Barrier® Masonry
T-Barrier enables the closing of an external cavity at a party wall junction where building regulations require the use of a mineral wool closer for acoustic insulation purposes. Additionally, it provides an effective edge seal around the party wall cavity, helping to achieve a zero U-value. Cavity fire barrier for masonry party wall junctions. Also available for Timber Frame & Metal Frame.
Designed to close off the cavity around window and door reveals without the need for a return block and where a fire rating of up to one hour is required. It prevents cold bridging and eliminates moisture, mould and staining from around windows and doors. The 2.4m lengths are manufactured from a rigid PVCu profile that is insulated with non-combustible rockfibre mineral wool which provides fire, thermal and acoustic properties as well as being ODP and GWP zero rated.
Fire Stop Slab
Fire Stop Slab provides up to two hours fire integrity horizontally or vertically within external masonry walls, ideal for use at separating floor levels. Manufactured from rockfibre mineral wool insulation with a class ‘O’ reinforced aluminium foil facing to both sides offering excellent resistance to smoke.
Fire Stop Strip
Fire Stop Strip is designed to prevent the passage of smoke and flames through narrow voids in the construction, offering up to four hours fire integrity when installed between masonry or concrete. Possible applications include: top of masonry walls under the soffit, above partitions, expansion joints, and between ceilings and walls.
Cavity Stop Socks & TCBs
Party Wall DPC
Rockfibre Insulated DPC
T-Barrier Masonry
Fire Stop Slab
Fire Stop Strip
Curtain Wall barrier
Cavity fire barrier for use behind curtain wall cladding. Up to 2 hours fire integrity. Foil faced to provide a smoke barrier. Cut to size on site or factory finished. Available to suit cavity widths up to 300mm.
Rain Screen Barrier
Cavity fire barrier for rain screen cladding applications. Up to 2 hours fire integrity. Provides a 25mm airspace behind rain screen cladding. Foil faced to provide a smoke barrier. Suitable for horizontal applications. Available to suit cavity widths from 75mm to 300mm.
Spandrel barrier
Up to 4 hours fire integrity around edge of party wall. Up to 1 hour fire integrity between the spandrel panel and blockwork. Use in conjunction with ARC T-Barrier vertically to create an effective edge seal around the party wall cavity. Zero U-Value can be achieved. Minimises thermal bypass. Easy to install.